
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Shutting down

It is with sadness that I've made the decision to shut down the InterTwinkles website. After three years of operation, InterTwinkles remains an interesting experiment, but has failed to contribute substantively to its mission of helping small groups and co-ops to engage in decision making processes online.

This move is precipitated by Mozilla's decision to shutdown Persona, the login service that InterTwinkles depends on to manage group accounts. With Persona gone, a substantial rewrite would be needed to keep InterTwinkles running – and to accomplish that, it would be necessary to undertake a time consuming effort to catch the 2013 codebase up in the fast moving world of javascript and node.js. With few users depending on InterTwinkles, this means a lot of development time and effort for little impact.  

The InterTwinkles website will cease operation on June 1, 2016. If you or your group are in need of data exports or advice on moving to other services, please contact me and I'll do everything I can to help with the transition.

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